Category: LASIK

Can LASIK Fix Astigmatism?

In a perfect world, all eyes would have a nice spherical shape and be perfect optical lenses. In the real world, the eye is usually not perfectly shaped and visual clarity is compromised. When astigmatism is present, the eye has a shape like a football set on one end. This asymmetrical shape of the eye… Read More


LASIK, which stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, also commonly referred to as laser eye surgery or laser vision correction, is the most popular form of refractive surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. For clear vision, the eye’s cornea and lens must bend (refract) light rays properly. This allows images to be… Read More

LASIK Aftercare Instructions

LASIK eye surgery provides many people with the option to get rid of their contact lenses and glasses and improve -their quality of life with better vision. When considering LASIK, it is important to understand what to expect with recovery. Below are some LASIK aftercare instructions to help you have the best possible outcome. Take… Read More

LASIK Consultation Preparation

In order to determine if you are a candidate for LASIK, you must first have a thorough, dilated eye exam with a qualified ophthalmologist. This exam is often referred to as a LASIK consultation. Here are a few things to consider for your LASIK consultation preparation: Discontinue Contact Use: It is important for you to stay out of… Read More

LASIK Healing Time

As soon as your LASIK surgery is complete, your eyes will have already begun the healing process. The initial healing period after LASIK occurs rather quickly. Long-term LASIK healing can last from several weeks to several months. It’s normal to experience some fluctuations in your vision and other side effects during your LASIK healing time…. Read More

Is LASIK Covered by Insurance?

Many health insurance companies consider LASIK an elective procedure. Elective procedures are typically procedures that are optional, nice to have done, but not medically necessary. While LASIK is often considered an elective procedure, there are times when it may be medically necessary. These include: Surgery to correct vision problems caused by an injury. LASIK for… Read More

Age for LASIK

LASIK is a great option for many people who suffer from poor eyesight. But one question many people have before considering this procedure is when is the best time to get LASIK? There is a right and wrong age for LASIK. The Right Age For LASIK Generally, the perfect candidate for LASIK is someone between… Read More

LASIK Pros and Cons

LASIK is a refractive surgery that uses a laser on one or both eyes to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK corrects your vision by reshaping your cornea to improve how your eye focuses. As with any surgical procedure, it is important to consider the potential benefits and risks. Carefully weigh the LASIK pros and cons… Read More

LASIK Recovery Tips

LASIK is one of the most popular forms of vision correction in the world today. The ability to experience the world around you without the daily dependence on glasses or contacts to perform functions such as driving and working leads to a deeper enjoyment of your day. One of the many benefits of LASIK is… Read More

Types of Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery, sometimes called vision correction surgery or refractive surgery, is any surgical procedure used to correct vision problems. In recent years, tremendous advancements have been made in this field. Many people have experienced better vision and a more enjoyable lifestyle after having laser eye surgery. Most types of laser eye surgery work by… Read More