Category: Cataracts

Cataract Surgery

A cataract is simply a clouding of the natural lens inside the eye. The lens maintains a delicate balance between water and protein so that we can see clearly through it. When the proteins clump together, the resulting cataract blocks some of the light entering the eye, making vision blurry or hazy. Cataracts typically occur… Read More

What is a Cataract?

A cataract is the clouding of the eye’s natural lens. As this normally clear lens gets cloudy, it decreases your ability to see well. A cataract can make objects appear blurry. It can also make colors seem less bright. Your eye’s natural lens is located directly behind the pupil and is made up of mostly… Read More

Types of Cataracts

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that impairs vision. There are four types of cataracts: Nuclear Sclerotic, Cortical, Posterior Subcapsular and Congenital. The types of cataracts are classified based on where and how they develop in the eye. Nuclear Sclerotic Cataract: A nuclear sclerotic cataract refers to the hardening of… Read More

Cortical Cataract

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye. As you age, proteins in your lens begin to break down and the lens becomes cloudy. You may not even realize you have a cataract because it usually grows very slowly and may not impede vision early on. While cataracts are rarely dangerous, after… Read More

Cataract Surgery Options

Cataracts are a cloudiness that forms in the normally clear lens of the eye, leading to decreased vision. Although cataracts are a leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of 40, cataract surgery options offer easy solutions to clear vision for the millions that suffer from this condition. Depending on your pre-operative… Read More

Cataracts Under 40

A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens of the eye. As a lens becomes cloudy, vision is impaired. Although most cataracts develop from the natural aging process, cataracts can affect younger people, including those under the age of 40. Even children and young people can develop cataracts. Several factors can cause or contribute… Read More

Types of Cataract Surgery

If the lens inside your eye has become cloudy, you may want to consider cataract surgery. During cataract surgery in San Clemente, your surgeon removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens: IOL) to restore clear vision. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and does not… Read More

How Long Does Cataract Surgery Take?

Cataract surgery is a procedure used to treat cataracts where changes in the lens of the eye cause cloudy, blurry or misty vision. The lens is the crystalline structure that sits just behind your pupil, which is the black circle in the center of your eye. Cataracts occur when changes in the lens of the… Read More

Is Cataract Surgery Safe?

A cataract is a clouding of the eye lens that can make it hard for you to see. The condition is most common in older people, but anyone can have one. As cataracts grow, they can cause symptoms that interfere with daily activities. Cataracts can cause dim, blurred, yellow or double vision. This can make… Read More

Cataract Causes

A cataract occurs when the lens inside your eye becomes cloudy. Things linked to clouding include: Aging (age-related cataracts) Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, such as from sunlight, tanning booths, or sunlamps Diabetes: especially when the blood sugar levels are above the safe range, diabetes causes changes in the eye that can result in cataracts… Read More