Category: LASIK

How is Laser Eye Surgery Performed?

LASIK laser eye surgery is a vision correction procedure that aims at permanently altering the focusing power of the eye by reshaping the cornea with a precise excimer laser. Laser eye surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure while the patient is awake. Usually both eyes are operated on at the same time, but if you prefer,… Read More

Is LASIK Right for You?

LASIK has successfully improved the vision of millions of people, but it isn’t for everyone. Before you sign up for LASIK surgery, here are a few things to help you determine if LASIK is right for you: LASIK is surgery to a very delicate part of your eye, and cannot be reversed. You must be… Read More

Understanding Refractive Errors

To see clearly, the cornea and the lens of the eye must bend (refract) light rays so they focus on the retina. The retina, a layer of light-sensing cells that line the back of the eye, converts the light rays into impulses that are sent to the brain where they are recognized as images. If… Read More

Preparing for LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery requires considerable preparation. Prior to LASIK in Laguna Hills, you’ll need a complete eye examination by your refractive surgeon including the following tests and evaluation: Your doctor will dilate your pupils to fine-tune your prescription. Examination of your eyes to make sure they’re healthy, including testing for glaucoma, performing a retinal exam and… Read More

Wearing Contacts Before a LASIK Consultation

If you are a contact lens wearer who is interested in LASIK eye surgery for vision correction and to reduce your dependency on contacts, it’s important to be aware of the restrictions surrounding wearing contact lenses before your LASIK consultation. Prior to a LASIK consultation and surgery, it is vital that contact lenses not be… Read More

How Effective is Laser Eye Surgery?

Thousands of people across the globe have experienced the lasting benefits of laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery has proven highly effective in most people with common vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. In fact, as many as 70% of patients will experience better than 20/20 vision once they’ve had the procedure. So, what… Read More

Is LASIK Covered by Insurance?

Unfortunately, most insurance companies don’t cover LASIK because laser eye surgery is nearly always considered an elective procedure and not medically necessary. Although insurance does not often cover the cost of LASIK, certain people can get their laser eye surgery covered due to special circumstances. The first way LASIK may be covered by insurance is… Read More

How to Find the Best LASIK Surgeon

If you are considering LASIK surgery, one of the most important things to consider is how to find the best LASIK surgeon. LASIK surgery is an extremely popular vision correction method and while you may be excited to have clear vision, it is important to take your time and do your research before going through… Read More

Myopia Treatment

Myopia is the medical term for nearsightedness which is caused by a refractive error many people are born with or develop as they age. Myopia is the most common refractive error of the eye. If you are nearsighted, you typically will have difficulty reading road signs and seeing distant objects clearly, but will be able… Read More


Today there are several refractive surgery options to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. LASIK and LASEK are popular forms of refractive laser eye surgery. Although these procedures are similar and have the same goal of correcting refractive errors to achieve clear vision, they do have some differences and are suited for certain patients… Read More